Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

He-Man Woman Hatin'

Check out these vintage ads that depicts the objectification and abuse of women.

Do you think that guy wants to kill that lady cause she won't make him any toast?

Found @ boingboing
Oh... it totally gets worse

Defining Terrorism

terrorism |ˈterəˌrizəm|nounthe use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Today in Adorable News

This is Bethany James Leigh Shady. She's the partner of Jorge Garcia (aka Hugo / Hurley on Lost). Anyway, I think she's as cute as a box of buttons and it's just as well since Jorge is also quite adorable. Beth's a writer, mostly kids stuff. Check out her and Jorge's websites, they're both pretty great!

This is Helen Mirren. She's 64.

Jack Donaghy : "Oh my... I haven't seen your brow that furrowed since you saw that picture of Helen Mirren in a bikini."

Liz Lemon : "How is it possible! Is she a wizard?"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wanna know how I know we're dorks?

Because when Adam and I order a pizza, we order it with pepperoni, green peppers, and mushrooms. Why? Because that's what Agent Dana Scully orders in the X-Files episode "Bad Blood".

I hope this isn't our pizza guy!

Maybe this guy ate lead paint as a kid.

"To the ignorant neighbor who keeps calling the building inspector on me- f#$% off. There is no lead paint on this building. It was stripped in 1983."

This is the response of Jim Siegel, to continued harassment by an anonymous neighbor regarding the restoration of the home he purchased in a bougie San Francisco neighborhood for $750K. Apparently, this nosy neighbor kept making complaints against Mr. Siegel to the city's inspection department, saying stuff like he was stripping paint without proper containment systems (found to be false) and disturbing the peace with construction noises at the ungodly hour of 5pm.

Remind me to never restore a house in SF. Wait, I can't afford a house in SF. Scratch that.

Story c/o Fark
Image c/o SFist

This is for that Steve Jobs burn!

I like this.

How do you like them apples?

"By the way, what have you done that's so great? Do you create anything, or just criticize others work and belittle their motivations?"

-Apple CEO Steve Jobs in response to Gawker writer Ryan Tate's criticism of the company's business model.

c/o Gawker

New Contributor!

Hey everyone. I'd like to introduce you to Kindra. She's my wife. She's a scientist. She's funny and smart. She's gonna be writing here with me. Yay!

Monday, May 17, 2010

I like the one scratching it's butt!

I will give you fair warning. This video will destroy you. Seriously though, the sloth at :36 in made me lose it.

Meet the sloths from Amphibian Avenger on Vimeo.

You can also find me at...

Although I'm a total slacker about it, I also write music reviews for Check it out!

Scully and Jack

I have a feeling that I will max out the storage on here mighty quick if she keeps making that face.

*Update - Jack is my friend Laurie's son.


Hello and welcome to Art Dogo |ärt dôg-ō|. My name is Adam and I'm an architectural designer based in North Carolina. I started Art Dogo in 2007 as a means to display artistically composed photographs of things my dog Scully, had chewed on. Although I'm off to a late start with posting here, I'm looking forward to sharing photos and ramblings on various topics that interest me. Thanks for stopping by.
